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Free on 5th - 9th Feb 17
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Can A Simple Change of Diet Help Cure Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, and Other Similar Diseases?

Alzheimer’s was first discovered in 1906, which means that scientists have had a century to find a cure. However, despite their best efforts, there are still no real, universally accepted treatments. Since 2000, there have been more than 200 drugs for Alzheimer’s tested and not one has proved to be a silver bullet. Only a few of these drugs in best-case scenarios relieve the memory loss and confusion, which characterizes this dreadful condition.

What if the cure was there all along, hiding in plain sight, waiting to be discovered?

Before you start this book ask yourself these questions:

What do you know about diets and the ketogenic diet?

What do you know about coconuts and the ketogenic diet?

Are you worried about Alzheimer’s disease, Dementia, and other cognitive diseases?

This book will tell you about diets and it will explain what a ketogenic diet is, in a simple yet factual way that does not blind the reader with science.

It will tell you about coconuts and why it is an essential part of a ketogenic diet.

Most importantly, this book will tell you about Alzheimer’s disease and give hope to those worried about this affliction.

It will do this without making false promises.

This book will cover diets, the ketogenic diet, coconuts, coconut oil, Alzheimer’s disease, scientific research, claims of success, warnings, menus, and recipes. Each chapter will provide a stepping-stone to further exploration if so desired.

Here are some of the topics that you will understand once you bought this book:

Ketogenic Diet- Health Benefits and Dangers
What is a ketogenic diet?
What happens in ketosis?
Ketogenic Diet with Coconuts
Coconut oil: its beneficial constituents
Beating Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Related Diseases with the Coconut Ketogenic Diet
Is there an accepted cure for Alzheimer’s?
Menus and Recipes
What carbohydrates, protein or fat should be used?
…and more!

…in her search for a cure, Dr. Newport came across a therapy, which involved MCT (medium chain triglycerides). Dr. Newport’s husband was to have a test soon after her discovery of this; in this test, his Alzheimer’s was diagnosed as severe. While on their way home, she figured she had nothing to lose (considering the fact that they tried almost everything just to find a cure for her husband’s Alzheimer’s) and got some coconut oil on the way home and started experimenting on it. His improvement was amazing.

Act now and satisfy your curiosity! Get this Kindle Book for only $0.99!

Free on 5th - 9th Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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