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Free on 22nd - 26th May 15
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I have reached the shores of the Promised Land!

After a long and arduous trek, the land of milk and honey promised to me by God it is finally in sight.

What is the Promised Land? It’s the place where you arrive when you are ready to manifest the deepest desires of your heart.

Have you arrived on the shores of your own land promised to you by God? What did you have to do to get there? What did you give up?

Where are you in spiritual consciousness in every area of your life? There are six stages of spiritual development:

• Egypt

• Red Sea

• Wilderness

• Jordan River

• Promised Land

• Christ Consciousness

Are you in Egypt, at the Red Sea, the Wilderness, the Jordan River, or the Promised Land? Perhaps a few of us have even transcended spiritually to the Christ Consciousness stage of spiritual development.

There is a map that each soul can follow to obtain spiritual enlightenment while on Earth. Every great spiritual leader has followed this road map: Moses, Buddha, Christ, and countless others. The path is open to all who decide to take a journey into the unknown depths of their soul.

This book will serve as your guide as you traverse through the lands, i.e., stages of spiritual development in your consciousness. Although Compass is written from a New Thought metaphysical perspective, the stages of spiritual development are universal, and the archetype of these stages can be found in every religion or spiritual practice.

Where are you in consciousness in the life areas of work, your personal life, a relationship with yourself and others, and spiritually? What do you have to do to evolve spiritually?

To find out read Compass: The Journey of the Soul from Egypt to the Promised Land, by Penelope V. Yorke. Your soul’s journey awaits.

Poem – The Journey

The journey takes place inside of me.

I travel to unknown lands and visit sites never seen before.

I journey, you see, to reach locations that exist inside of me.

I used to fear this journey, that of my unknown self, and put it off indefinitely.

But the time came when the distant shores outside no longer interested me.

So I followed my compass of intuition, heading in a new direction, one leading deep inside of me.

This is the journey I was born to take and am led by spirit to consciously undertake.

To conquer the many lands that lie inside me,

I first must venture through a valley named fear whose domain seems endless in sight.

In this abyss lie doubts, lack of self-worth, and places with names similar in scope.

I challenge these shadowy thoughts with conviction, giving over my power to them no more.

As I journey through this barren wasteland in my mind,

I find the strength to persevere, having overcome the shadows that once made me quiver in their wake.

Liberated, I trek on triumphantly to places never imagined within me.

The journey is a lonely one, since I am the only one who can journey inside.

I travel bravely alone on my quest to reach unfamiliar lands.

Where the journey will end, I do not know.

I cannot rest at one location for too long because of inner urgings that are sure to arise,

Creating in their wake a restless spirit within,

Alerting me that the time has come again to journey to higher ground.

Each level of land I ascend strengthens me,

Prepares me for what awaits me in the lands I am yet to cross.

I am on a journey through the depths of my soul.

The call to journey has sounded.

I arise and permit fear to delay me no more.

For you see, I am ready. I now recognize

That the time is come to begin the journey with alacrity,

A journey whose locations are deep inside me.

I am on the journey of the soul.


Free on 22nd - 26th May 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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