Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Short Story

Free on 7th - 11th Sep 17
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When was the last time you spoke to your neighbour and had an engaging conversation? A neighbour once saved my life. For the first time in my life, my heart decided to go too fast that I collapsed in the corridor. Prior to this I was full of life and very athletic. I never thought something like a heart problem would happen to a healthy person like me. I was also in a new country and didn’t know anyone. My neighbour at the time called the ambulance and I all I remember was waking up at the hospital. I am now doing well, but I will never forget that that neighbour cared about me, and I wish prior the incident I was a good neighbour to them. This book is meant to encourage us all to be good neighbours. Statistics suggest very few people know their neighbours. Yet people keep encouraging us to feed the homeless and greet them and be kind to them. If we are that afraid of someone who lives next to us, how much more will we be afraid to approach the homeless. I hope this book sparks discussions in the home and family focusing on why we don’t seem to want to get to know our neighbours anymore.

Free on 7th - 11th Sep 17
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