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Free on 26th - 29th Oct 17
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Wedding planner Tyler Warren left heartbreak behind when she ran away from her small Southern hometown and started a new life in a big city. Years later, she wants to believe in the fairy-tale endings her job promotes, but the clients she meets day after day seem to be more “Crazily Ever After” than “Happily Ever After.”

Meanwhile, her own attempts at romance play out as bizarre comedies rather than love stories, and she’s starting to think Prince Charming either fell off his horse or got eaten by a dragon. When unresolved issues from Tyler’s past complicate things even further, she discovers she may yet have some things to figure out before she can find her own happy ending.

This delightful first book in the Tales Behind the Veils series chronicles Tyler’s wacky misadventures, both personal and professional. Whether she’s getting insane requests from brides or outlandish requests on dates, you’re sure to be charmed and entertained by the Diary of a Single Wedding Planner.

Free on 26th - 29th Oct 17
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"Wedding planner and single: what a recipe for office gossip! A funny and entertaining diary of disasters, great for an evening read."

Reviewer: .

Wedding planner and single: what a recipe for office gossip! Tyler has to combine the the stress of planning a wedding everyday with knowing hers isn't even on the charts. Her best friend moved across country, her ex dumped her for space and married someone else a month later, and she's avoiding her family like the plague because her mother is desperate for grandchildren and thinks "available" is the only criteria a man needs. Meanwhile most of her friends' relationships are falling apart - but they are still desperate to get her into one...

This diary of disasters is absolutely hilarious in places. It is not just the weddings where things go dreadfully awry. Her dating life - the bubble bath fiend, the date who forgot to mention his wife, etc. - is a similar mess. When the man she meets 'forgetting' he's still married is not the worst thing that happens on their date, you know you're in for a treat. Her cold-blooded British boss is a delight throughout: imagine "The Devil wears Prada" and now imagine the boss from hell likes you...and is still utterly terrifying.

Laugh out loud funny in places, it is a book I read with a smile most of the way through. I got a little annoyed with her when her ex comes back into the picture. Is "Get lost" really so hard to say? Even written from her point of view, what comes across plainly is that when it comes to him, Tyler has no spine and no self-respect (and really needs to learn to stand up to her mother). Still, everyone has their weaknesses, and the rest of the book makes up for it. The ending is predictable from early on, but that doesn't really harm the story.

This isn't Bridget Jones's Diary: it's funnier, and most of the club enjoyed it, regardless of age or gender. Wry and sensitive observations on people are combined with the farce that weddings can be, and that her love life certainly is. There's a fair bit of adult humour, and it is not for kids although the older end of YA might enjoy it.

Overall, it's a funny and entertaining diary of disasters, great for an evening read.

Rating: 4

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This book was one of our Reviewer's Choices to be featured in our newspaper column. Click here for more information.

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jessica (10 January 2016)
I laughed like mad. This was fantastic, and the weddings were great, and so realistic. What a day job, and what a read!

Kindler (11 January 2016)
I take it means that it's better then the J-Lo Wedding Planner movie.

Tregaron (12 January 2016)
*I take it means that it's better then the J-Lo Wedding Planner movie.*It has nothing to do with the movie, aside from two words in the title, and is very, very, funny. Let me put it this way: it is a book with romance that *Reader* recommends.

Terry (12 January 2016)
*Let me put it this way: it is a book with romance that *Reader* recommends.* *Reader* doesn't do romance...it's *that* good?

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