Flat Breads and Pizza
Flat Breads
Flat breads were undoubtedly some of the earliest breads ever baked. They continue to be produced today. Flat breads cook very quickly; many of these breads are shaped with a rolling pin. Bread dough rolls out most easily when rested at intervals. When making these recipes, roll the dough until you feel resistance, then turn to another piece of dough, and give the first piece to rest
Baking recipes for all occasions
Tortillas – How to Make Flour and CornTortillasCrêpes Recipes from seafood to FrenchPizza- Calzones and FocacciaHow to Cook PaniniPretzels, Pretzel Rolls and bagels
˃˃˃ Focaccla
Focaccia is made from a softer, more yeasty dough than pizza and, unlike pizza, is usually served warm or at room temperature. Seasoned with herbs and sprinkled sparingly with coarse salt, Sharpe cheese or other piquant toppings, focaccia makes a satisfying accompaniment to any meal. It also becomes the perfect snack. Served on its own or as a base for such hearty ingredients as sliced potatoes, pesto sauce and pine nuts.
˃˃˃ Naan-Punjabi Flat Bread
Naan, flat bread often leavened with buttermilk or yogurt, comes from Punjab in northern India. To prepare Naan, toss the dough quickly from hand to hand to stretch it into a thin, oval shape, before baking. The dough can be brushed with or oil or ghee and sprinkled with poppy or sesame seeds. Nan also may be stuffed with cheese, vegetable curry or meat.
˃˃˃ Pizza and Calzones
A Neapolitan pizza crust must be thin, but not cracker-thin as is traditional in Rome. If your prefer an extra-crisp super thin crust, roll the dough into a round 11 inches in diameter rather than the 9-inch specified in the pizza recipes. Note that this recipe makes 2 pizza crusts or 2 calzones.