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Free on 18th - 22nd Apr 14
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It is one thing struggling to forgive our nearest and dearest those foolish squabbles that leave us so bitter and upset. But what about the big stuff; that which we cannot comprehend?

While we are unable to look at why humans behave so atrociously, we cherish the belief in ‘evil’ and harbour condemnation in our hearts for our fellow human beings. And while there is any justification for condemnation at all, we will not know peace.

What if we were able to see that every regrettable act any human being has ever committed was utterly unavoidable? What if we were able to see that we would all do exactly the same given the same set of circumstances? What if we could finally see that the cause of all our woes is a simple error in thinking that everyone shares?

The liar in the human mind is our one and only problem. When it is clear that ‘evil’ cannot be real and that every ‘unforgivable’ act is caused by a mistaken belief in falsity, our eternal innocence will be impossible to deny.

If God were real, we ask, how could He let these terrible things happen to the innocent? Let’s find out why God has nothing to do with any of it, regardless of whether He exists or not.

Together, we will discard everything that obstructs our awareness of love. Together, we will forgive the unforgivable. Are you ready for the next perfect step?

Free on 18th - 22nd Apr 14
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