Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 7th - 10th Jun 15
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Scores of people have found that within weeks of cutting out dairy from their diet, symptoms such as stress, nausea and anxiety have decreased. In fact these feelings have been replaced by better sleeping patterns, and increased energy levels.

I grew up drinking cow’s milk and it was the only option I knew. Today, I know there are handful options for different types of milk. I used to drink glassful of milk while eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My childhood memories about cow’s milk are quite positive. But then with time things started to change. As I entered into my early twenties, I realized that cow’s milk was making me sick. Every time I had a glass of cow’s milk, I would cough, and there would be a mucous build up in my throat. I used to gag when I drank coffee with milk. I had no clue of what is happening or why it is happening. Later on, I learned that I had dairy sensitivies and I cut all dairy products.

I am not an advocate of any specific diet as such, but I often receive the question “Why go dairy free?” For me, the wakeup call came when I learned that I had a systemic yeast infection, also known as systemic Candida. Many women (and men) suffer from this condition and tend to be sensitive to dairy. It was at this time in my life that I eliminated all dairy from my diet, and so I am sharing my learnings with you!

Free on 7th - 10th Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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