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Free on 14th - 18th Jul 17
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If you really want to put your life at the feet of Jesus, it is necessary to first consider the cost and then place him above all other things in your life.

That’s a pretty bold statement; but completely true. In the churches around the world today it’s a rarity to discover such an audacious message. The Gospel of Jesus is bold and scandalous. If we try to remove either of those two elements for the sake of being politically correct or mindful of hurt feelings then we have compromised the truth of Christ for a religious fairytale. True love as shown through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is seeking the higher good for the other person no matter the cost or the risk. It’s that type of dangerous love that has the power to bring lasting change and genuine revival.

In this book you WONT find your typical Upbeat, Feel Good, Prosperous messages. IF that’s what you’re looking for then search instead for Joel Osteen.

However, in this book you will receive a crash course training on the Foundations of Faith and practical application to bring about lasting transformation. This authors goal is first and foremost education, and secondly inspiration. Pastor Chris believes that the answer for this confused and crippled Hashtag Generation is not the modern-day Gospel but the historic uncompromised truth of Jesus Christ found in the Bible and throughout Church History.

Jesus Christ offers the water of life freely to anyone who is thirsty. However, you have to understand that once you receive it, you are no longer living for yourself; you have been bought with a price.

It is time for this ‘Hashtag Generation’ to make a choice: either we cling to Jesus or we forever fall away.

We are one generation away from losing the undefiled Gospel. No matter how bad the situation: a prison, in the midst of a shipwreck, persecution, or being put on trial, the apostles always provided the example that every situation is an opportunity to win souls for the Kingdom.

Free on 14th - 18th Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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