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Mindfulness For Beginners : Stop Worrying And Just Be Happy TODAY!

Aren’t you just SICK AND TIRED of always being stressed, always in a hurry, never stopping to “just enjoy the right now” as all of your worrying friends & family advise you to do? Well, there may as well be a solution for you and it all comes down to one word: Mindfulness.

Time is relative and we all have our own, personal clocks. We remember our past and we look forward to the future, but somehow, we all forget to live in the present – which is actually the only authentic moment we as humans have.

We cannot recreate the past nor can we predict the future. So, seeing how priceless the present moment is, why do we tend to neglect it so often?

Our minds wander about 50% of the time, but every time we practise being mindful, we are exercising our attention “muscle” and becoming mentally fitter. We can literally learn how to master our mind and feelings, instead of just passively allowing our attention to be dominated by distressing thoughts and feelings.

Mindfulness can be the greatest gift we can give ourselves, as well as other people. Once we start living a mindful life, others benefit almost as much as we ourselves do, because what mindfulness incorporates is a miraculous ability of moment-by-moment awareness, allowing for a stress-free life where every experience is utilized for the greater good.

Mindfulness For Beginners – How To Stop Worrying And Start Living In The Present With Happiness And Inner Peace is going to teach you exactly how to be mindful and reap all the amazing benefits of mindfulness…and as a result help you live in the present moment without any of those annoying worries!

Here Is A Preview Of What You Will Learn…

What Exactly Is Mindfulness Why Practise MindfulnessWhat Are The Benefits Of MindfulnessBasic Mindful MeditationNonjudgemental Acceptance And How To Achieve itMindfulness and AttentionMindfulness And Body SensationsMindfulness And EmotionsHow To Live In The Present…and more!

So here is my question to you…

Do you want to be Mind Full or Mindful?

It’s your choice. Stop procrastinating and take action NOW by dowloading this book for a limited time discount of only 0.99$!


You will be happy that you did.

Thank you!

– – – – –

Tags:mindfulness, mindfulness for beginners, mindfulness meditation, meditation, mindfulness exercises, mindfulness books, mindfulness for life, mindfulness for beginners, mindfulness techniques, mindfulness therapy, meditation techniques, Buddhism, meditate, stress reduction, anxiety cure, stress managenent, stress free, stress relief, anxiety relief

Free on 22nd Jun 17
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