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Free on 4th - 7th Apr 18
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Learn how to start living with less
A lot of people go through life acquiring things. These range from clothing, books, toys, collections of interest to vehicles and antiques. These things, when gathered over the years could become more of clutter than collections. The reason is simple. There is only so much you can make use of in one lifetime.

Most times, many of these items are acquired during moments of impulsive buying or when the urge to splurge beckons. The sad thing about acquiring stuff that you would never use, is the fact that they would spend years and decades gathering dust in your rooms, garage and basement while someone out there needs them but cannot afford them. It is not uncommon to see someone who had acquired stuff over the years, wanting to unclutter their space. They wake up one day and come to the glaring realization that the items which they had spent a greater part of their lives acquiring has never given them permanent satisfaction, a sense of purpose or lasting fulfilment.

Actually, rather than bring joy, clutter brings lot of distraction with it.

So when these people realize this, they begin to pursue the minimalist lifestyle. Unfortunately, most people do not know where to start or how to decide what should go and what should stay. This is understandable because they had been used to buying a lot of new stuff without getting rid of the old ones.

Living a minimalist lifestyle might not be exciting, but it is freeing. Minimalism frees an individual from the shackles of materialism and the strong grip of consumerism. Imagine a garage that has only your car and a couple of boxes in it. Imagine your basement having more space without you falling over things while trying to navigate it in the dark. Imagine an airy living room and bedroom without the musty smell of clothes that are never worn and books that nobody bothers to read.

You see how beautiful it would be to live like that?

If you are worried about how to go about being a minimalist, worry no more.
This book will teach all you need to know about freeing up your living quarters and having next to no unnecessary properties creeping in on your personal space. Every chapter is packed with lot of lessons which every collector and aspiring minimalist should know. From the origin of clutter and its effects to decluttering your space, this book opens your eyes to a world better than the one you are used to. A world where material possessions do not matter as much as time spent seeing the world or staying with loved ones. Eight chapters in all, each one walks you through the escape and freedom that a minimalist life gives.

Couple of things you will learn

Evolution and the clutter cultureThe effects of clutter on an individual’s health and overal wellbeingClutter and anxietyClutter and injuries And much, much more

Start learning, and get this book now!

Free on 4th - 7th Apr 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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