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Free on 1st - 5th Feb 15
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Are you ready yet?

Are you tired of waiting for the novel inside your head to magically appear? Tired of being told it will happen if you just “write a little bit a day every day?” How’s that advice working for you? It’s not … is it?

If it was working, your novel would be done. But I hear you. When I first learned how to write a novel, that “helpful” information … wasn’t. I went slowly, plodded along, writing a little each day like all the blogs and authors told me to. Then I would get disinterested or distracted and my novel would get DEStructed!

You’ve listened to the podcasts, taken the writing workshops, read how-to guides, but your novel languishes, waiting for … something. Are you still waiting for that “1 hour a day” conventional wisdom to pay off?

Let’s face it, it’s a new ballgame for self-publishers and indie authors!

A numbers game. The number of books you publish, reviews you get, and downloads you can expect are all partly a function of how many words you write—how many books you publish. Conventional “wisdom” is getting us indie authors nowhere.

It’s time to take a different approach!

Wouldn’t it be great to have something to show for all your hard work? Forget next year! Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could sit down and proofread your first draft of next week?

That’s what this Nine Day Novel series offers. That’s what I want to show you how to do, because I’ve been there.

In this step-by-step writing workshop—feels more like boot camp adrenaline sprint—Steve Windsor walks you through how he writes novels in 9 “days.” With concrete examples of how to apply story structure, outlining, and plotting to show you where to drive your hero and what to do with him or her when you get there.

You CAN write a novel in less time than it takes you to need your next haircut. Steve shows you how blockbuster novels and movies use a formula that’s as old as Aristotle to produce hits. In less time than it takes you to pour your next coffee, Steve will have you hammering on your keyboard!

Using examples from his own novels, best selling books… He even makes up a story right before your eyes! Steve is a hands on hardcore writer who will show you just how “easy” it is.

Make no mistake, the Nine Day Novel series isn’t for everyone. Some people like going pacing themselves on their way to the death of their dreams of becoming an author. Then again, you aren’t just anyone.

In this writing workshop disguised as a fast-paced motivational writer’s retreat, you’ll learn:

How story structure can save you time and help you write faster.

Through mainstream examples and seemingly ludicrous story lines, and Steve’s own brand of “Darth Vader” humor, Nine Day Novel will keep you pumped up to write.

And the FREE resources?

Inside the Nine Day Novel, you’ll get access to a starter file for one of the most popular writing software packages out there—Scrivener. Rather than spending hours or even days learning and creating a story structure outline, Steve did it for you.

There’s not one, but three FREE writing tools to download inside!

So whether you are a yet to be discovered bestselling author or a grizzled, coffee-addicted veteran like Steve who is continually sharpening his writing sword, Nine Day Novel-Writing Faster will give you a sharp new edge on your writer’s blade.

Don’t let your novel die in your mind because you think you lack the time.

I’ll show you how much time you really have. And I’ll give you real advice on how to use that time to write your novel faster than you ever thought possible.

Take action, read this book, and faster than your next vacation is over, you will be showing off your brand new novel. Don’t waste another minute, scroll up and

Free on 1st - 5th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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