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Use this guide to be the best in the field

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This book has actionable information that will help you to understand how to play Pokemon Go as a pro.

Pokemon Go has truly taken over the world. Think about it; just the first week after its release in limited countries, Pokemon Go had 15.3 worldwide tweets. That’s a lot more than the 11.7 million tweets that Brexit got in the first week and a lot more than the 7.5 million tweets that the Euro 2016 football champions got in its first 7 days. Moreover, statistics from SimilarWeb show that on average, those using Pokemon Go use it for an average of 43 minutes a day- much more than how long people spent on Snapchat, Intagram and Whatsapp. On Google, Pokemon Go had around the same number of daily searches as Brexit on the day when the US voted to leave EU. The app is so popular that it has overtaken porn!

So what exactly is Pokemon Go?

In simple terms, Pokemon Go is simply a location based augmented reality game that is developed for Android and iOS devices by Niantic. The game is free to play. The Pokemon are sort of located in the real world. It uses a device’s GPS capability to help players to locate, then capture, then battle and even train the different virtual creatures (referred to as Pokemon) that appear on their screen as if they are within the same location as the player in the real world. The game also features some in-app purchase to help players to unlock some features much faster. For you to locate the Pokemon, you have to walk around since the Pokemon are located in random places. The phone’s camera gets activated as soon as a nearby Pokemon is located after which it shows you the Pokemon.

Are you wondering what this app is all about and what the craze about it is? Why is it so popular? And how is it played? Well, this book will show you exactly what to do. With this book, you get to know everything you need to know about the game; how to be the best at it, with every critical tip and trick. It’s your right to enjoy the game like a pro, right?

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Capturing The First PokemonManage And Transfer Your PokemonHow To Evolve And Power Up Your PokemonThe PokestopsLevel Up Your Character And Get XPHatch The Pokemon Eggs

Download your copy today!

Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount of only $0.99!

Free on 20th - 24th Sep 16
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