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Positive Parenting Solutions

Parenting can be tough, but it can be made easier if the parent stays sensible. We talk about parenting challenges but forget to foresee the parenting solutions which can actually overcome the obstacles dynamically. When they are young, children can be shaped by their parents, but once they reach adolescence, it is difficult to change or modify their behavior.

Positive parenting solutions offers you the most effective tools to give your child the best possible start in life, with encouragement, unconditional love, and opportunities to strengthen the parent-child bond.

DOWNLOAD:: Positive Parenting Solutions Simplified : Parenting with love and logic way to tame a strong-willed child.

Positive Parenting Solutions Simplified will show you how to:

What a positive parent should do for right parenting?Top Parents Qualities to Possess for Positive Parenting SolutionThings Not to Say to Your Kids EverThings Parents Should Never Do to their ChildrenHow to Deal with a Strong Willed Child?Manage your Children through Parenting with Love and LogicParenting Worksheets to Balance Child’s Lifestyle

Parenting can be challenging at times, but with guidance from this book, you will be able to fix the little day to day issues so that when big challenges come your way, you will be prepared and confident in your approach. Setting out boundaries from an early age is easier said than done, of course, but as with most parenting strategies: the younger the better. Getting ’em young and purposefully starting parenting with love and logic from the get-go is the way to save a lot of heartache later.

Better Safe than Sorry

Your child might begin displaying behavioral issues as early as the toddler stage; don’t make this the heart-sinking moment when you discover the great gaps in your discipline strategies. No matter how argumentative your young child is, whilst you should try hard not to overreact to defiance, do not shirk from setting out clearly what is expected. As with so much in the parent-child sphere, the motto holds true: lead by example and be consistent.

How Parenting the Strong Willed Child Can be Enjoyable

In all probability you see and applaud characteristics in your strong-willed child that remind you of yourself, things that made you the success that you are. So while there will also be elements that perplex you and require careful navigation, on balance your strong-willed characterful daughter or son is a blessing requiring nothing but your wise parenting; with love and logic, a strong, independent, interesting and self-determining person will emerge.

Bringing up your strong-willed child might mean standing up to those who dub him or her difficult and stubborn. You might have to defend your own methods, too. The type of child who has to learn from experience, seeing in person the consequences of his actions, can seem to be defying authority. Teachers and parents when correcting behavior need to refer matter-of-factly to an established rule as though set in stone and at the same time allow a margin of flexibility where the child can seem to exercise some decision-making power. This might take the form of reminding your kid that homework has to be done before the playing of games on the computer. Then you add: “But if you let me help you with how to set out those math problems on the page, it’ll be time for playing before you know it!”

Free on 16th - 20th Mar 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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