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Finally, the Colic Cures Are Here! Soothe Your Colicky Baby Tonight with These Proven Simple At Home Remedies

Grab your copy of this Amazon bestseller for just $2.99. Read on any device: PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

You’re about to discover how to put the clamp on colic symptoms and soothe your crying baby.

Are you in the throws of sleepless nights and constant worrying over your colicky baby? Do you know what the signs are for colic? Just because your baby is crying, you will want to make sure you don’t discount any other symptoms and chalk them up to colic. However, colic (or collic) is a very real thing that many parents have to deal with (myself for 6 months). The first thing I can tell someone who has a baby with colic is, “I’m sorry.” Being a parent of a baby suffering from colic is one of the most trying things a new or seasoned parent can go through. If you’re like most parents, you’ve gotten loads of advice from people claiming to have had colicky babies, as well. Some may have had babies with colic. Some likely haven’t. If you’re searching for a book, you have likely realized by now that a lot of advice being passed around isn’t all that helpful, at least not for truly colicky babies. You will hear about colic “cures” like the ever-popular gripe water. Now, I’m certainly not here to tell you to throw away your gripe water. Certainly gripe water has its function and can be effective for minor baby discomforts such as minor gas issues, upset tummies, hiccups, etc. But I will tell you that, in my opinion, anyone who tells you gripe water is a cure for colic hasn’t truly dealt with a colicky baby. The same can be said for gas drops (simethicone and the like) which, again, certainly can be very effective for their intended purposes. I still use gas drops for my 2 year old on occasion. But will gas drops cure colic? No. But they may be a part of a larger treatment plan for your colicky baby.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Overview of Colic in BabiesWhat the Baby Crying MeansWhat is Colic?What are the signs of Colic?Surefire ways to soothe a crying babyWhen does colic start?How did I get a colicky baby?Symptoms of Colic and how to treat naturallyMuch, much more!

Download your copy today!

Stop worrying and stressing and start sleeping. Download this book for a limited time discount of only $2.99!

Free on 22nd Dec 16
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