
Free on 24th - 28th Feb 17
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Why is it that many people NEVER attain the bodies they always wanted despite ENDLESS DIETING ? What is the most FUNDAMENTAL difference between thin people and obese individuals? And why is that the few successful dieters find it even more daunting to hold on to their accomplishment and ENJOY their life the way they really want to?

This science simplified, action-oriented book details the body of science revealing that the FUNDAMENTAL problem is in the BRAIN . It explains how the brain chemistry of an obese individual goes awry due to overeating – and how to use different modalities, already available to us to reverse the brain to its natural state.

In a personal and conversational style the author takes you on a journey of what neuroscience and psychology have made available to us. He sprinkles bits and pieces of his own transformation story highlighting common mistakes and how to overcome them. Then, in the contained Action Guide , the author provides a step-by-step approach based on cognitive behavioral therapy to help you kick start your one way transformation journey.

The book’s program does not include any food restrictions , or recipes. It does not prescribe any specific exercise program as its sole objective is to restore the brain to its healthy relationship with food.

In this book you will learn about;

oThe friction between your brain’s cognitive and emotional faculties induced by poor eating habits, repressing emotion and uninterrupted stress.
oHow this friction makes it mission impossible for you to break free from the obesity epidemic .
oWhy WILLPOWER is a less favorable approach to achieving and maintaining the body you always wanted.

Follow the action steps by the end of each chapter, adopt the Action Guide for 90 days and you’ll FINALLY integrate the different faculties of your brain making your overeating disorder a thing of the past . No willpower, no deprivation and no obsessive calorie counting.
You have already tried dieting. It never works long term.

What is stopping you from shifting your weight loss efforts to a program that actually WORKS?

Scroll to the top and click the “buy now” button.

Free on 24th - 28th Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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