
Free on 25th - 30th Nov 23
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If you like cozy mystery, intrigue, sweet romance, and small towns, you are going to love the Fiber Mavens series.
This book combines the first three books of the Fiber Mavens Series in one book, so you can read it all as one completed story. Welcome to Lyonsville, a serene village where English and Amish shops draw tourists by the busload for the atmosphere, food, and handmade crafts. Brad and Casey just want to get married, but someone keeps upping the ante from simple pranks to murder; each time leaving an expertly made quilt square at the scene. The only thing certain is that the crooks have to be apprehended before Founder’s Day when busloads of tourists show up and preferably before the wedding. The Fiber Mavens Series, Quilting Can be Criminal, Criminally Quilted and Criminally Pieced Together, are romance, intrigue and mystery times three.

Reviewers have said abut the series:
“It only takes a few pages to get you hooked on a great group of well developed characters central to the series. I can say that I wasn’t excited to learn that the book ended with a cliffhanger, but by the time I got there, I could hardly wait to keep reading the next book!”
“This Christian author knows how to tell great stories and also knows how to make quilts. I love how the “The English” and the Amish get along so naturally, just like they do in most small towns in Ohio. I was hooked from the beginning and the ending is a cliffhanger, but this is the first book of a trilogy, so that’s pretty much to be expected. Luckily, I have the next book in the trilogy to read, so I’m diving in for some more “
“I really liked how the suspicion changed from character to character. And then to find out the Who Done It was a real surprise.”
“I really enjoyed this trilogy. The first book roped me in and I had to continue to the end. It’s nice to read books that aren’t bordering on soft porn. I’d feel comfortable recommending them to my granddaughters to read.”
“A great trilogy. I loved the story the plot and the characters. I will definitely recommend this series and hope to read more”

Now you can read one book after another without interruption! Get your copy today!

Free on 25th - 30th Nov 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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