
Free on 16th - 17th Feb 15
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The Introverted Women Relationship and Dating guide

Are you tired of people (guys) judging you and labeling you a freak, a bitch, or even a weirdo for not being an outgoing “people’s person”?

Do you find yourself drained and tired, after getting together with a bunch of your friends or co-workers in bars or discotheques where the music is pretty loud?

I’ve got news for you! You are not a freak! You are not a weirdo! (You might be a bitch!) Most probably you are just part of this personality type psychologists call Introverts!

Introvert women, specially, are in a constant stress of being misunderstood because of their unique behavior.

The fact is when it comes to being with people, introvert women like quality rather than quantity. We prefer to be alone or doing things with a few close people.

I used to scorn myself for feeling and acting awkward and not understanding why it took so much out of me when I tried to be an enthusiastic, outgoing “people’s person”.

Nevertheless, instead of completely overcoming my social inadequacies, I decide to accept myself for who I am and learned how to better manage my energy, setting things like dates and social gatherings to my advantage.

All it takes is just a little bit of awareness and preparation. Qualities of which Introverted Women are already great at!

Would you like to learn how to set things up “energy wise” to your advantage at dates and social gatherings?

If you are an Introverted woman, you know that you need some “me time (alone)” to reset and fill your energy tank.

This guide is for introverted women, their partners and or anyone else who is trying to get a better understanding into the inside world of the introverted personality of a women, especially when dating or when in a relationship.

If you learn and integrate into your life, the insights and easy strategies I present to you in this guide, I can guarantee you’ll have better quality dates and develop deeper meaningful relationships.

Within this book you will find all the strategies and lessons that I’ve learned and gathered throughout the years of research, being an introvert business woman, and most importantly an Introverted Women dating men.

In this essential guide you will get incredible insights into the following topics about Introvert Women:

Challenges and Misconceptions –about Introvert Women

Advantages of Being an Introvert Woman

Famous Introvert Women

Dating Tips & Tricks for Introvert Women

How to use your Introvert advantage to attract and keep great men in your life

Socializing Tools for Introvert Woman

Some Dos and Don’ts While Dating an Introverted Woman

Places to go to feel comfortable on dates, flirting, keeping in touch, ect.

How to make an Introvert – Extravert Relationship Work

And much, much more….

I decided to write this guide because most of the books out there, about dating and relationships for Introverts, mostly tackle one side of the equation which is Introverted Men. As an Introverted woman myself, although some of the advice for introverted men could be translated for their women counterpart, there are still some major differences between both.

I’m doing pretty well myself, why should I bother?

Most introverted women feel pretty good about being alone most of the time but deep down inside they know that something is missing…

They know how much more fun it would be to share the things that they are most passionate about in their life with that special person that really understands and gets who she is…

Don’t let your Introvert self hold you back in life, especially in your dating and relationships.

Click the “buy now” button to discover and take advantage of your quiet inner, introvert power and thrive in the competitive dating world to always get and keep “the guy”.

Free on 16th - 17th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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