
Free on 15th - 16th Nov 23
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Embrace the Unbreakable You. Rebuild, Rediscover and Rise Stronger.

Breakups are an unfortunate turn of events. It jolts your views about “forever love.” There’s no denying that the hurt you feel is excruciating. But it doesn’t have to leave you with insurmountable grief and pain.

During the first few days and weeks that follow, recognize that some things deserve to end and shouldn’t be fixed. He is a loser to have dumped the awesome you.

Starting from today, dry your tears, acknowledge your emotions, and rebuild. Turn your breakup into an opportunity to grow and demand better from your future partners. Use this time to work on yourself and figure out what you seek in relationships and a partner.

In The Way to Get Over a Breakup, together we discover the many secrets to overcoming a failed romance in style, like a queen.

Let’s take charge. No one is in control of your life but yourself. Recognize this chance as a gift for yourself. Life is too short to stay in mourning over a guy who didn’t deserve you.

From a survival guide to making it past the first four weeks post-breakup, the book delves into how women must recover, rebuild their self-esteem, and learn to be assertive with their expectations and demands from a man.

It’s about growth and introspection, self-care and compassion, regaining lost confidence, and overcoming confusion between real love and a rebound.

Feel empowered, enthusiastic, and hopeful. Feel in control and change your life for the better, starting today.

Have a chance to transform your love life and attract the right man. But first, recover and heal. Put in the work and grow as a woman. Know your worth and settle for nothing less than the best.

So scroll up now and click BUY today and Reign as the Queen You Are!

Free on 15th - 16th Nov 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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