Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 28th Jan 17 - 1st Feb 17
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A Brief Intro About This Book

Time management is such an essential skill to have that it cannot be ignored in this day and age. Whether you find yourself struggling with time or have enough time but want to be more efficient or if you want to overcome procrastination this book really dwells into the specifics that makes us highly effective people.

I have struggled with the subject of time management for a long time. Feeling cluttered with things to-do in my mind, not being able to focus or concentrate better, feeling overwhelmed with things to do; simply resulting in putting things off and procrastinating. As time went on I really could feel how this negatively impacted my life and the accumulated impact was that I was behind on most of the areas of my life, relationships, work, reputation etc The good news is that turning things around were much more within my control once I realized that I has to improve myself better and be more effective in my chores on a daily basis.

Time management is all about taking tim? ?ut ?f your day to g?t a ??rt?in g??l ??hi?v?d. Most people think th?t th?r? i? n?t ?n?ugh hours in a d?? t? g?t ?ll th? tasks th?? need t? ??m?l?t?d. This i? ?n overwhelming feeling and can ?r?v?nt u? fr?m g?tting th? mu?h n??????r? t??k? ??m?l?t?d ???h d?? or even setting exciting goals to pursue.

I’d suggest taking your time with this book and really think about that topics mentioned in it. Rather than rushing through it. Read it twice if you’d like. I’ve made it a point to keep this book short and provide valuable concepts to make it easy to read and absorb by the reader. I hope you enjoy it and I promise that by the end of this book you’ll be armed with the tools master your time and overcome challenges when it comes to making the most out of your day.

Here Is What You’ll Get

– Tim? M?n?g?m?nt: H?w D? I Pr???rl? M?n?g? M? Tim??

– Th? Pr?bl?m of Procrastination

– Avoiding Pr??r??tin?ti?n

– Th? Power of D?l?g?ti?n and Automation

– The Process of Delegation

– Tracking Your Time and Creating a Plan

Free on 28th Jan 17 - 1st Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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