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Free on 11th Mar 18
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“There’s no such thing as changing a husband. In my experience, a woman either lives with her man and deals with the good, the bad, and the ugly, or she divorces him. If neither option is viable, she must come up with a different plan. ”

Once upon a time there lived a happy and satisfied wife, named Charlene. Her husband Billy was the perfect prince: kind, loving, and very lusty. But then one day, POOF! He morphed into a big, old lump. To make matters worse, he started torrid affairs with three sexy mistresses; a leather armchair, a big screen TV, and ESPN.

Charlie is heartbroken and growing angrier by the minute. She’s tried everything but her husband refuses to change back. What’s a wife to do? Divorce won’t cut it, too messy and expensive. Besides, how will she ever get him out of the arms of THAT chair?

Only one drastic option remains…Murder.

But’s she’s having a little trouble…Billy just won’t die.

“Weeding takes the reader on a wildly entertaining roller coaster ride in this highly creative but not so far fetched story of modern love–

won, lost, and soon to be strangled.” R Kramme, playwright, Suitcases

“Hysterical!This is a dark comedy with so much heart.To Kill An Armchair Husband is a beach read you’ll want to enjoy over and over again; it’ll make you laugh your face off and warm your heart.” CL Coons, Author of Collide

“Charlie Score is practical, sensible, and determined. But even those qualities can’t help her with her latest project. It’s impossible to keep from adoring her, sympathizing with her and cheering her on. To Kill An Armchair Husband is an uproariously funny and surprisingly poignant glimpse into one woman’s attempt to resolve a vexing dilemma.” Audrey RL Wyatt, Author of Poles Apart

Terri Weeding is a past featured Humor Writer at Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop–humorwriters.org

Free on 11th Mar 18
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