
Free on 22nd - 23rd Feb 14
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An extremely large spaceship is flying trillions of years in the future faster than lightning through empty space. The spaceship is ruled by a crazy dictator. A computer programmer defects from the army and joins a small band of rebels. Can these rebels seize control over the spaceship to prevent a catastrophe? What is the history of the spaceship? How does its journey look like? What has been discovered after trillions of years of travel? What does the entire universe look like? What does the history of mankind look like? Where are they? And where are they going to?

These rebels have to act, and have to act quickly, because danger is closing in, and there is no easy way out.

The story is loaded with brand new astonishing theories about, the workings of an atom, dark matter, the mechanisms that rotate a planet around a star, the life cycle of a planet, the life cycle of a star, the life cycle of a galaxy, what a black hole really is and how it functions, how the evolution really works, how dinosaurs always become extinct, and how life spreads through the universe. Many illustrations and poems are also included.

It is a thrilling ride through space and time from planet Earth today, all the way to the edge of the universe trillions of years into the future. An action pact nail biting science fiction.

Don’t you ever wander about the future? I mean, what might happen billions of years from now?

Free on 22nd - 23rd Feb 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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