Author: Genre: (, , ) Length: Novel

Free on 15th - 17th Nov 14
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Katrice, Montrel and Junior are siblings who couldn’t be more different, but they all have one thing in common: plans for Momma’s house.

Katrice was Momma’s faithful caregiver until the day she died and wants to make sure that Momma’s last wishes for her house are met. Montrel needs the house sold as soon as possible to get out from under the mountain of debt his gold-digging wife has him buried under. Junior needs a place to lay his head in peace, away from the thousands of dollars in back child support.

Will Montrel honor his mother’s wishes? Will Junior ever learn to man-up and take care of his responsibilities? As Katrice turns to Christ, will she stop worrying about her brothers long enough to find a life full of hope and the promise of love and restoration?

This is a fun, inspirational short novel that will make you laugh and appreciate the people God puts in your life to conform you to the image of Christ.

Free on 15th - 17th Nov 14
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