Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 22nd Jan 17
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Do you have these questions?

How will yoga help me?
Are there even any benefits of yoga practice?
Is yoga just good for the body?
Is yoga only for spiritual people?
Is yoga a religion?
How should I start the practice?
How can I stay safe while practicing?
What routine can I undertake daily?

If you answered yes to two or more of these, then this book is for you!

An ancient tradition that has regained popularity in the modern times. That’s yoga for you. However, any dedicated yogi will tell you that yoga is much more than that. It is less of a practice and more of a lifestyle. Yoga is not just about the body but includes the mind, body and soul.

This is one point where a lot of online and print material fails. They fail to consider the psychological and spiritual aspects of yoga. Without them, yoga is just a bunch of different poses. A drastic reduction in its essence, if you ask me.

When I first started my yoga journey, I found this overwhelming gap. It was not only inadequate but also frightening because this was misguiding people. Either the materials was too complicated for a regular person to understand or it was over simplistic. There was no ideal middle ground.

Hence the idea of this book came into a being. A complete, in depth, yet easy guide to understanding, demystifying and practicing yoga every day. It is easier than you think and more rewarding that you could have imagined.

Free on 22nd Jan 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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