
To support the site we are now offering one promoted book position per week. This is for a single book which does not have to be free, although you will probably get better results if they are. As always, books must be suitable for 12’s (PG-13 for US visitors.)  Only one book will be accepted for promotion per week.

During the promotion the book receives:

  • – Details on the Promoted Book page here, on the sidebar and on the site-wide footer.
  • – One daily tweet each day about their book
  • – A mention on the top of all the email newsletters (5000+ subscribers) under “Sponsored by:”

Note: Promoted books do not automatically get Featured Book position or a review, good or bad, as part of this as commercial books are not eligible for either. Free books who buy a promotion have the same chance of being picked by a reviewer or featured as any other.

To sponsor a placement please use our Promoted Book Sign-Up Form.

Book Your Promoted Book Run:

To book your promotion choose a provisional date from the dropdown, and complete the form below.

  • Promoted books run from 8a.m. Sunday morning UK Time to 8a.m the following Sunday.
  • Please book no more than two consecutive weeks for one book.
  • Each weeks cost is shown alongside the date and is payable through Paypal.
If your request is approved, we will contact you on the email address you provided with a Paypal invoice for the amount. Payment should be received one week in advance. If payment is not received, the slot will be reopened.

We do not accept non-fiction ebooks or ebooks with explicit content for sponsorship. As always, content should be 12A (PG-13 for American visitors). We reserve the right to reject any title.

