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Free on 26th - 28th Mar 15
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10 Day Detox Diet and 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleansing Works Hand In Hand To Help You Transform Your Life Once and For All

Today only, get this Amazon 10 Day Detox Diet bestseller for just $3.99, regularly priced at $5.98. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or if you do have one read this on your Kindle device.

This Incredible 2 in 1 10 Day Detox Diet E-book Box Set Starts with The 10 Day Detox Diet E-book… which starts with giving you everything you’ve ever needed to start your weight loss dreams quickly and Easily, because…

The 10 Day Detox Diet is different.

In the 10 Day Detox Diet Plan, we take you right to the heart of why most Diet Plans don’t work – the Blood Sugar Problem, and we seek to fix your food addictions at a basic, hormonal level before starting to look at food or weight.

In the 10 Day Detox Diet Plan you can eat freely, combining any raw, organic and whole food that you like.

This 10 Day Detox Diet Plan works to ‘reset’ your Liver, Kidney, Thyroid and Blood Sugar back to a natural state, ceasing food cravings, late night munchies, mid-morning sugar crashes and late afternoon crashes.

The human body was not designed to live as many of us do in today’s hectic society, surrounded by highly addictive, processed foods and dangerous toxins. All of these things, from our cleaning products, detergents, pollution, refined sugars, salts and additives as well as our work/life balance are having a toll on our immune system, causing us to bloat and be caught in addictive cycle of feed, feed, feed! If you suffer from any of the below symptoms, you may be in dire need of a Detox:

• Weight management issues.

• Constipation and/or digestive problems.

• Bloating, nausea, uncomfortable digestion.

• Lack of breath, panting or frequent sweats.

• Lack of energy, lethargy and aching limbs.

• Dry skin, brittle hair, skin complaints (pimples, rashes, spots or skin diseases).

• Mood swings, frequent bouts of depression.

• Food cravings.

• Long term health complications: neurological, bone, arthritis, thyroid.

• Generally low immune system – you get colds quickly and easily, are often unwell

Hey But that’s not all! Not only do you receive one 10 day detox diet Amazon Bestseller, you get 2 for the price of 1…

The 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleansing book contains proven steps and strategies on how to use the power of raw, green smoothies to drop the weight, fast – in a nourishing, easy and enjoyable way!

All you will need is:

• A blender

• Access to a good supply of fresh market vegetables (your local organic market or Wholefoods ® is ideal)

• This book

That’s it. No grueling or harsh training schemes, no days spent on treadmills. Using just the recipes in this book, you will discover an easier way to fitness and health, simply by giving the body what it needs, and supporting it as it cleanses itself.

Most get-fit and weight loss schemes actually try to make your body do something that either it doesn’t want to, or which is very unusual for it. You are asked to train constantly at peak performance, which consequently puts a strain on your tendons and muscles, and is one of the reasons why most professional athletes burn out from joint damage past the age of 35, or to eat only limited types of food groups.

Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount of only $3.99! Download The 10 Day Detox Diet and 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleansing Box by clicking the buy with 1-click button on the upper right hand corner of this page.

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Free on 26th - 28th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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