
Free on 1st - 2nd Feb 17
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The 100 Day Vocabulary Word Devotional combines expanding your vocabulary knowledge with words that aren’t commonplace along with learning a verse or passage from the Bible that has the definition of those new vocabulary words in it. Then, with the new word and verse or passage of Scripture for the day, you’ll get a daily devotional based on that topic. At the end of each daily devotional, you’ll get the “Bottom Line for the Day.” The “Bottom Line for the Day” wraps up the entire daily devotional into specific takeaways for you to apply for that day, and really for a lifetime.

The 100 Day Vocabulary Devotional combines these aspects for a challenging, yet inspirational message in order to facilitate self-reflection. You’ll appreciate the combination of gaining knowledge and finding personal insight as you navigate the Scriptures, devotions, and applications.

Alan Balmer earned a B.A. degree in Pastoral Ministries from Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri and a B.A. degree in Accounting from The University of Missouri-Columbia. Balmer has served in a variety of roles in the local church from Associate Pastor to other numerous volunteer ministry roles.

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Free on 1st - 2nd Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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