
Free on 16th - 21st Dec 23
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A letter from Grandpa

Dear reader,

My alleged grandson asked me to write this book description for him because he’s a lazy, good-for-nothing freeloader. Anyway, a fun fact or trivia book is a fantastic way to learn new and interesting information while also keeping yourself entertained. This book contains a wide range of topics and covers everything from science and history to pop culture and sports. With so many facts and titbits of information to choose from, it will be easy to find something that interests you and spark your curiosity.

One of the best things about a fun fact or trivia book is that you can pick it up at any time and start reading from wherever you left off. You do not have to read it cover to cover like a traditional book, and you can jump around to different sections depending on your interests. This makes it a great book to have on hand when you have a few spare minutes and want to learn something new. It’s also great for when you’re sitting on the toilet and waiting for something to happen! You know what I’m talking about.

Yours sincerely,


Trigger warning: With references to the Earth being a globe, this book may offend flat-earthers. Also included are scientific facts regarding the age of the earth, dinosaurs, and fossils, which may offend young earth creationists. Finally, for the linguistically sensitive, this book is not for you as the pages are occasionally splattered with verbal diarrhea. For everybody else, enjoy!

Free on 16th - 21st Dec 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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