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Free on 11th - 15th Mar 18
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A slave and his master were about to embark on a journey and the slave pleaded with his master not to tell their host he was a slave. His master agreed with a warning that he should not act like one. They both agreed and set out on the journey.
When they got there, their host welcomed them with utmost respect because the man was a very rich and an influential figure. They treated the slave with equal respect because they thought he was a friend or business partner to his master. The way he dressed convinced them even more.
Everything went on fine until the next day when his master went out. First, he start to sing meaningless songs, dancing and clapping and disturbing the peace of the house. After smoking marijuana, he pulled off the shirt he wore not minding it was winter, went straight to their host’s garden and began to cut down some over grown flowers, feeling that he was in his master’s house.
When they saw the way he behaved, they concluded that he would be the right person to wash all the dirty dishes in the house. They ordered him to the kitchen at once. He grinned and start to do, what he knew how to do best.
When his master returned and saw him in the kitchen watching dirty dishes, he asked him, “was I the one who called you a slave?” Before they embarked on that journey, the slave forgot one thing. He forgot that wherever a man goes to dwell his character goes with him. He wore his best clothes to the place, but forgot that his attitude was naked. He was so dumb to come to the realization that it was not the chains on him that made him a slave but his attitude towards life.
As they set out on the journey, his master kept to his promise by setting him free. Despite this, he was still in chains. No wonder the great boxing legend Muhammad Ali said, “It isn’t the mountain ahead to climb that wear you out, it is the pebble in your shoes.”
Dear esteemed reader, remember it is madness to apply the same antidote to an ailment and expect a different result. Madness to expect to look like Beyoncé or Tom Cruise when the image you set before a mirror bear great resemblance with that of Pongo Pygmaeus [Orangutan].
This year if you like fast and pray for forty days and forty nights; wish from January till December. If what you do with your time and with your life is not in alignment with the vibration of success your life would go on like this indefinitely. Simply put, you will remain where you are until your life span runs out in death. Remember, your outlook towards life is how your life looks.
Success contrary to what many think does not happen accidentally, it requires something to manifest. In case you don’t know, there are two things you must change and three things you must do before you can experience it. Do you really want to attain your goals and effect a change in your finances this year? If yes, then find out what these things are in our hot release life-transforming inspirational book, 3 Steps to Financial freedom.
I challenge you to read this magical inspirational book, maybe just a few pages to see what successful people know that you don’t.
This book is different from the ones you have read before. If you don’t experience unprecedented success after reading it, it is proof that you didn’t adhere to the instructions on it.
Remember, if you don’t read it no one will ask you. But if you take action you will start to live a better version of yourself. Love success beyond talking and wishing, manifest your love for it by acting. You must read this magical book. Get it now!

Free on 11th - 15th Mar 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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