The postures in this book are not for the faint of heart. I suggest having a partner or spotter for the majority of these poses, at least the first time or two until you get the hang of them and feel comfortable.
Obviously, the more difficult the pose, the higher the risk of injury so please be cautious and careful. We don’t want any broken bones! If the advice here is followed and practised with diligence, then I have no doubt you’ll take your yoga adventure to the next level and then some.
I know that at times you might get frustrated when something seems too difficult, but as with anything in life: practice makes perfect. Just keep going and pushing forward, and you’ll eventually get to where you want to be. Two years ago I couldn’t do a Scorpion to save my life.
Now, it’s amazing the difference just a few years of practice has made. So remember, it is possible as long as you stick with it. If you’re ready for a challenge and feel comfortable with the basic yoga poses then please read on.
Remember: Take these poses at your own pace. You may need to focus on just one posture per day or even per week until you feel comfortable enough to add it to your regular arsenal of poses. Don’t take on too much at once because that just opens the door for frustration and even injury. Focus on how you feel, not how you look.
Many of the poses in this book have taken inspiration from other poses that were born in ancient India and developed into something more modern and appropriate for our society and culture’s needs today. And this was exactly the intention of the Yoga gurus of ancient India. People’s needs are different–cultures’ needs are different, for that matter and it is all constantly changing and fine-tuning itself to be what society needs at any given time in history.
Yoga has slowly developed into an art form–and the more we practice, the better we get at it. Just look at Instagram, and it’s easy to see that Yoga has evolved into an effective way to communicate with the world and also connect with your own body and mind. Now, let’s take a look at some of the major benefits of yoga.
What Can Yoga Do For You?
Promotes better sleep
Releases stress and tension
Improves your posture and balance
Helps you breathe deeper and better
Increases mental clarity and focus
Ensures that your spine stays healthy
Keeps your lymph system moving
Encourages you to take excellent care of yourself
Increases muscle tone Improves your relationships
Helps with pain management
Teaches you how to love your body–the way it is, right now
The list could go on, but I think you get the picture. And chances are, you’ve experienced at least a few of these positive benefits from your yoga practice–that’s why you’ve stuck with it for the long haul and are now in the group of yogis.
Don’t take this lightly! You should be happy for your success and the dedication that it has taken for you to reach this point in your practice. I wish that by practising the poses in this book, you can strengthen your mind-body connection and grow an even greater love for yoga and your self.
We’ll go through inversions, balances, backbends and twists so that you can be sure to get your fill of challenging poses and push your body to the limits (in a safe way). Alright! Are you up for it? That’s what I like to hear! Let’s get started.
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