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Free on 24th - 28th Apr 17
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Tired of every smoothie book being about weight loss?

50 Smoothie Recipes Just Because They Are Delicious

Inside you are going to find smoothie recipes that could be used for weight loss, going green, detoxing and a hundred other things but this book has one purpose. To give you a healthy drink you can sit out on the deck with while enjoying on a hot summers night. Actually any time of year will work being some places are nice in the winter too.

Smoothie Recipes For Every Day

With over 50 smoothie recipes, you can in essence enjoy a different one every day for two months almost. That is important because you get a variety of nutrients to support a healthy body and mind while loving the taste. You avoid getting bored and turning back to unhealthy choices.

If you always feel rushed to eat, smoothies are going to be your new best friend. Very few of the recipes require you to do much more than toss in the ingredients and blend away. There are even some kid specific recipes that will get your little ones actually loving their vegetables.

We are focused on sitting back and relaxing with these drinks, but the reality is they can be enjoyed any time of the day, any day of the week and at any time of the year.

What Can You Expect?

FLAVOR and lots of it. The recipes inside are bursting with flavor and healthy ingredients. Here are just some of the smoothie recipes you can look forward to:

Cocoa Banana Smoothie – for the best flavor combo out thereBrazilian Smoothie – because everything is better Brazilian styleExotic Smoothie – you will need to buy the book to see just how exoticAloe Vera Smoothie – this stuff isn’t just for your cutsCashew Strawberry Smoothie – flavor heaven, that’s what this isItalian Smoothie – that’s a gooda smoothie! (imagine a nice Italian accent)

Here is potentially the best part of about these drinks which are designed for those relaxing evenings outside with friends – you can add your favorite alcohol to them and avoid those sugary coolers. Drink these smoothies responsibly of course. There is a study out there most likely that says the nutrients found in the smoothies even prevent hangovers. Can’t be sure but if you are going to enjoy some adult drinks why not make them as healthy as you can.

Would You Like To Know More?

Download and start savoring these smoothies today.

Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button.

Free on 24th - 28th Apr 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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