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Free on 26th - 28th Dec 14
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Losing weight does not have to be hard or complicated. We show you how small, simple diet and lifestyle changes can help you change your body shape and size for good.

Although miracle diets that promise overnight results might sound tempting, they simply do not work in the long term.

Top nutrition and fitness experts all say that slow and steady is the only way to lose weight sensibly- and keep it off.

Our tips will help you lose almost one pound a week. This may not sound a lot, but it soon adds up – in fact, if you lose one pound a week for a year, you will end up almost 4 stones lighter! So what are you waiting for? Follow our easy tips today!

Our plan encourages you to lose one pound of body fat a week. This is equivalent to 3,500 calories. By having 500 calories fewer than you need every day, in a week you will save 3,500 calories – enough to lose one pound.

So if like most women, you normally need around 2,000 calories a day to keep your weight steady, you would only need to drop to 1,500 calories a day to lose one pound a week.

To reach your target weight, simply work out how long you need to cut back your calorie intake for.

Free on 26th - 28th Dec 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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