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Free on 10th - 14th Apr 16
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Are you tired of being the only person at a party without a date?

Are you longing for a loving, meaningful relationship, but all you get is another frivolous fling?

Are you fed up with your relatives asking you when are you planning to get married? “You are not getting any younger, you know!”

Isn’t that annoying?

Imagine lying on a sofa, gently gazing toward the kitchen. A subtle sound of water being poured into a cup is coming your way and a distinctive smell of coffee overwhelms the entire apartment. You sigh delightedly and sink into the fluffy cushions even more, leaving just enough space for Him/Her. He/she turns up at the kitchen door and sends you the most endearing smile you have ever seen. You keep an eye on him/her as he/she walks toward you carrying two cups of hot coffee, one for him/her and one for you. Aw!

Wouldn’t you like that?

You can stop imagining because now this can be your reality! You wonder how. The book 7 Daily Habits for Singles Not to Be Single Anymore will take you on a journey to find a loving partner of your dreams. On the way, you will explore your whole being, but rest assured the book will provide you with amazing tools and techniques, which will ease your search. In the end you will be a transformed person, but most importantly, you will be happily in love!

Are you ready to embark on a journey?

Free on 10th - 14th Apr 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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