
Free on 9th - 10th Sep 13
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Pages: 32

Are you seeking a top-notch literary agent?  Do you want to be published by a well-known traditional publishing house? The 7 Top Tips in this book are critical components to your success. Use these 7 Top Tips and you will maximize your probability of receiving serious consideration by an agent or publisher.

From Book Reviews:

“Patricia Kelley does an excellent job of outlining the key elements of a successful book proposal….” ~Alicia Cramer, Author

makes the world a truly better place for aspiring and self-published
authors: It is splendidly clear that she so TRULY ‘knows her stuff,’ and
she sets forth her broad knowledge in a spirit which is VERY thoughtful
and in an intellectually pertinent fashion….”
~Dr Glen Hepker, Author


“Patty understands the elements that go into winning book proposals. Her insights are invaluable for any author who wants to stand out and get noticed….” ~Ed Sweet, Copywriter and Ghostwriter

“Patricia Kelley handled her submission with a professionalism that gained our attention from the get-go….Patricia’s stood out immediately with her engaging, clear, well-written (and well-proofed!) cover letter; her sensibly and simply organized proposal, which included an outline of her book and summation of content; and her well-chosen sample chapters, which highlighted her writing strengths. A good submission is often indicative of a writer’s ability to put a book together properly and efficiently, and Patricia’s materials made us feel she was smart, capable, and careful.” ~Rebecca Didier, Senior Editor, Trafalgar Square Books

“I have hired Patricia Kelley several times over the last 7 years and she is my absolute ‘go-to’ person for anything to do with marketing or publishing….” ~Barb Beck, Revolutionary Love

“Patricia Kelley is an innovator with a passion for communications and a keen sense for helping authors market themselves best in this ever changing world of new media….” ~Ed Robertson, Award-winning Author, Journalist and Ghostwriter

“I met Patty through the promotion of my book and found her to be a reliable professional who is intimately familiar with publishing, books and the mind of an author. I highly recommend her.” ~Kelly Hampton, author

These tips are all about what is KEY to stacking the odds in your favor and getting a favorable response from agents and publishers. You’ll need to show them a book proposal that “screams” fantastic concept, superior marketability and outstanding professionalism.

Free on 9th - 10th Sep 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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