
Free on 23rd Nov 23
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“Bishop Tong, flanked by screens displaying real-time financial data, addressed a virtual gathering of the seven heads of the continents. Our influence has reached a new zenith, he began, his voice smooth and confident. It’s time we capitalize on our vast following for financial gain.

The plan was simple yet diabolically ingenious. They would manipulate their followers into buying a specific cryptocurrency, which they had already acquired in massive quantities. Once their congregation of over 100 million followers worldwide drove the price up, they would sell their holdings, reaping astronomical profits.

As the plan was set into motion, Bishop Tong and his inner circle watched with satisfaction as the cryptocurrency’s value skyrocketed. Their followers, believing they were part of a divine investment opportunity, poured their savings into the digital currency.

Back in New York, the seven heads celebrated as the cryptocurrency’s value hit its peak. Without a hint of remorse, they executed their sell orders, crashing the market and leaving their followers with worthless digital assets. Overnight, the seven heads turned into billionaires, their wealth built on the shattered dreams of their congregation.”

Free on 23rd Nov 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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