This is a short but yet detailed book on relationships which contains proven steps and strategies on how to identify the various kind of bad habits you are currently exhibiting and how to avoid them to make your love life last forever.
There are several things you do unknowingly that chase your Mr. Right away, most of these behaviors are minor, but rather opposite. Still, they may be the reason the man you love so much seems to lose interest in you as the relationship progresses without any explanation. But guess what this book was written just for you, it contains the solutions you need, it denotes the various red flags you do unknowingly and how to handle them. its for all ladies that want to kiss dating good bye and for all guys that never want to lose their ladies for a red flag that can be green again…
Stepparenting: Becoming A Stepparent: Learn How To Prepare To Be A Stepparent And How To Build A Rel...
BREAKUP TRIUMPH: How to Win Your Breakup and Be Unforgettable
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