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Free on 7th - 11th Jun 16
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Learn how to fly beyond your fears by taking the pilgrimage to your potential. Create an amazing new reality as you create and live to your personal vision of success.

Life is what we make it, so how can you get the most out of yours? It is never too late to learn how to live in the creative light of your potential.

Create a life luminous with meaningful success. Be inspired to live from your deepest level, empowered to change a stressful, troubled life into a calm, serene and highly successful one.

If you are looking for advice and a practical action plan, the 7 Divergent Practices are proven, fascinating and a straightforward guide. You are taken on an exploration of your options, a discovery of your amazing mental abilities and you are inspired to reach far deeper and higher than you ever thought possible. Be motivated to take action -now- for lasting transformation. Fulfil what your heart and soul truly desire. Learn how to follow your soulful purpose. Find the secret of real success and then – create it.

Real-life examples of successful people who have created distinguished lives by living to their potential will inspire you. Be guided throughout this journey of a lifetime with powerful techniques and phenomena founded on solid research and studies. Develop a spirited mindset primed for your pilgrimage. Open up a new path of endless possibilities as you live to your full potential.

A Divergent Path is the point between Stephen Conway’s, 7 Principles of Highly Effective People and Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. As an evolved life coach I have provided the activation point to combine the evolution of spirited, emotional and mental interaction [our potential], to drive joyful, heart-felt success. I’ve travelled your path, wanted the dreams, and I know exactly what’s holding you back. I can help.


The power of altering your reality to create the life you want.

Understand and define personal success.

Find strengths and cultivate your passions.

Be inspired by stories of success.

Exchange worry for wonder.

Find love- the secret to abiding joy.

The promise of potential creates wellness, happiness, and success and is nutted down into seven easy practices.


The evolved visualization way to visualize the best outcomes for you and then create a life beyond your old limitations.

How to confidently make decisions which are right for you and get the results you want.

How to position yourself for short and long-term success.

How to use the obstacles of fear and procrastination.

Understand and utilise the surprising value of going public with your goals.


Never worry about the “what ifs” again.

Wake up every day excited to handle what’s ahead.

Know how to set and accomplish your goals – personal and career and feel happier and fulfilled.

Be an inspiration to others who also want to develop life on their own terms and talents.

Be comfortable with your spirited self and personality-feel wholesome.

Access the deep reserves of self-belief within you.

Know that nothing will ever hold you back again.

Evolve to live the golden successful life you were born for.

Free on 7th - 11th Jun 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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