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Free on 13th Sep 13
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Pages: 164

Sparks fly when Sarah meets Rick at Fairview’s first landscaping outlet. In a tank top and khaki shorts, with muscles rippling, it’s easy to see why female customers are flocking for Rick’s attention. Sarah’s mother pushes her to give this more than attractive gardener a little encouragement, which is exactly why Sarah isn’t the least bit interested. She has to set her well-meaning, but meddlesome, mother straight. “I am not interested in a dirty, sweaty gardener.”

Of course, Rick chooses that moment to appear behind Sarah. Is he insulted by her comments? If only she could explain, but how does one explain a lifetime of embarrassing, though comedic, moments with an interfering mother?

When Rick asks Sarah out, she has no choice but to accept. According to Rick, it’s the only way she can prove she has nothing against dirty, sweaty gardeners everywhere.

Sarah agrees, and over the next few days, Rick does everything he can to sweep her off her feet. From potted plants, a hammock for her backyard, and hours on his knees planting flowers in her garden, Rick has launched an onslaught for Sarah’s heart. Not only is he respectful to her parents, but his devotion to the Lord is an inspiration.

Sarah wants to let go and follow her heart, but she’s experienced far too much deception at the hands of men who think they know best. Why does she get the feeling Rick is hiding something?

This is a Christian fiction romance of approximately one hundred eighty-six print pages.

Free on 13th Sep 13
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