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FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE #1 BESTSELLER THE STONE MAN, NOMINATED FOR AUDIBLE UK’S BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD 2015“With Luke Smitherd’s novels … the reader gets to experience that wonderful and rare marvel of experiencing something new and original. I had no preconceived idea of what to expect with A HEAD FULL OF KNIVES, and every time I thought I knew where the storyline was heading, Smitherd deftly turned down a new and unexpected path. In a field of genre fiction overflowing with mediocrity and stale ideas–published by large and small press alike–Luke Smitherd stands out as a truly new and original voice.” – AintItCoolNews.comLet’s imagine you’re waiting to catch a train.Would you wonder about the people standing next to you on the platform? Ordinary people, business types. Respectable. Normal. People that you don’t need to worry about.How would you know that they aren’t going to suddenly push you in front of an oncoming train?
But hey …they’re strangers. They could be capable of anything …but what if you couldn’t even trust the people you loved? What if even your pets acted strangely? If you found yourself being watched by other animals that come and wait outside your house at night, staring up at your windows in the dark?Martin Hogan doesn’t have to imagine this. It’s all happening to him right now; his life is about to spiral further and further into the terrifying and inexplicable as he finds out why.Because even though he doesn’t know it yet, Martin Hogan is the man that has to decide the fate of humanity …
Luke Smitherd (author of the Amazon bestseller THE STONE MAN and THE BLACK ROOM series) asks you once again to consider what you would do in his latest unusual and original novel. A HEAD FULL OF KNIVES is a supernatural mystery that will not only change the way you look at animals forever, but will force you to decide the fate of the world when it lies in your hands.
“I couldn’t help myself and read this is one sitting” – simon211175, Amazon Vine Voice“Fantastically written characters who make you care about them right from the off.” – Andy Pettifer“It was one of those books where you tell yourself you will read just one more page, then look at the clock and realise that it’s 2 hours later. I would thoroughly recommend it” – Elaine Hosegood“I have owned a Kindle for about 2 years and downloaded some excellent books for very little cost but Luke Smitherd’s works beat the lot” – Silversmith, Amazon UK Review“As soon as I started reading I was completely sucked in, which very rarely happens for me. I couldn’t wait to get home and read it each night. I laughed. I cried. I did actual real life gasps of horror.” – Katie, Amazon Review“I spend a lot of time trawling through the kindle book store looking for cheap books, relying on reviews to make my purchases. I have come across some less than average books using this method, but also some real gems. This book definitely falls into the latter category. It had me gripped from page one.” – Steve Sut, Amazon UK Review“This story could, probably should, be made into a movie at some point. I honestly have to believe that Smitherd should contact a producer/director and make a fabulous movie deal. Totally enjoyed the read.” – Bonnie Gleckler Clark, GoodreadsWant to download the first few pages of this book for FREE so that you can try before you buy? Click the ‘Send sample now’ button on the upper right hand side of this page to do just that!