“Another wonderful story, delivered beautifully. I ended up staying up much too late last night because I needed to know how it ended! …Thank you for an amazing read” – LiveCat
“I’ve read all of your stories and everything is downright mesmerizing! It made my heart flutter in every way possible. It’s just sooooo sweet and painful and everything in between. I’ve got to say “Special kiss” and this story is my favorite above all for the reason that it’s simply extraordinarily perfect. I mean, how do you do this? I literally cried, laughed, clenched my chest, cummed (the e.rotic part is as good as all the romance, i have to say that), and love the story deeply. Malex is my all-time favorite couple, and you are my all-time favorite author. I can’t wait to finally read your two upcoming stories!”- Onewhoknows22
“I’m desperately waiting for another of your stories…I really just love them from the core of my heart…it’s just so expressive the way you write about these characters…please do tell when is you next story coming?” – LaRascasse
“Alex and Marley will always be the best , but Lil and Katie are a close second. I love the way you write your stories. You draw us in to fall in love with each character. Once you start reading you can’t put it down….Can’t wait for your next story” Thumper1155
“I’m a man man and made me cry, laugh, angry, and hopeful. Once again you wrote with heart and soul and it was beautifully done.” – gjames17
“This is so beautiful. Happy endings never get old. I like the witty banter and the relationship between Marley, Alex and Lil. It’s so refreshing. I love all your works.I literally got wet when I saw a submission from you. Thank you.” – birchybutch
“Wow. Stunning, beautiful. I can’t tell you how excited I was to see a new story by you, and you did not disappoint. Thank you so much” – JCMcNeilly
An Invitation to Scandal: Book 1 (The Sins & Scandals Series)
Winter Interlude (California Series Book 1)
Digital Detox - Love in Jackson Hole: A Clean Romance
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