A Life without Stress encourages us to live in the moment. We live fuller lives, when we learn to live in the moment of our action, being mindful of whatever we do in our daily lives. Instead of worrying and getting lines on the forehead and losing our hair, let us concentrate on the present. Live in the present. Instead of worrying, learn to create miracles in our lives.
A Life without Stress focuses on the present. Things of the future belong to the future until they come into the present. It does no good to worry about them. Worry affects our health. We are likely to be healthier if we don’t worry. Stop worrying. Create our own miracle instead. A Life without Stress shows you how to do it. The author, S. Roystone Neverson shows you how, step by step, in the final chapter of this book.
Life in the present is the path to the future. Look after it. Treat it well. Make use of the opportunities it presents and we will have the power to shape our future. So, don’t worry. Create a miracle here, in the present and reap the fruits of the future.
A Life without Stress is an option. We cannot live without experiencing some level of stress. Stress is a product of living. Therefore, as long as we are living we would experience some stress. A Life without Stress focuses on showing how to prevent stress from having a negative effect on our lives; showing how we can live in a modern society and avoid becoming a casualty to stress.
A Life without Stress advises us to start with the home. It wants us to make the home a zone of peace. It notes that the home should be a place where every member of the family is free from fear because fear is a major cause of stress. The home ought to be the zone of peace in which each member feels secure enough to discuss any issue without having to worry about being humiliated or castigated; where children are not afraid to try. They try because of the absence of fear from being punished for making a mistake.
Peace in the home is not merely an absence of conflict, but also an absence of fear. Fear creates unease and whenever there is unease, peace is absent. Unease causes anxiety and stress.
Let love permeate through the home. Respect the individual. No denigrating remarks. Use reason or arbitration to settle disputes. No domestic abuse. Develop togetherness.
A Life without Stress tells us that positive thinking removes doubt. Doubt causes anxiety and stress. We become what we constantly think.
If our thoughts are always positive, we do more positive things and we get more confidence in what we do. What we think influences what we do. What we do influences what we become. When we think we release chemicals into our system which affect neutrons. They hinder or help our performance depending on what we think. Positive thinking is a step in the direction of a life without stress.
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