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******PLEASE NOTE ==>I am happy to join your Book Club or Bible group via Skype or Facebook video for discussion!
What would you do if you had one week to live and a lifetime of unrealized dreams to fulfill?
After a series of blinding headaches sends thirty-four-year-old Elizabeth to the hospital, she receives news of an inoperable tumor. Defying doctor’s orders, she heads to Paris in search of a different form of healing and one last chance to experience the life she locked away in a room of her paintings.
In Paris, Elizabeth’s days are spent in a budding romance with a doctor escaping his own demons, while her nights are inundated with surreal dreams tat include glimpses into the future and the past. In these dreams, she navigates a labyrinth and confronts pivotal moments from her past. Upon waking, she receives mysterious notes from an angel, hinting that her life may be saved if she could only find the Map of Heaven described to her as a child.
During her dreamtime journeys through the endless maze, Elizabeth meets important people from her past and future, including: an astronomer searching for forgiveness, an artist searching for immortality, and a mother searching for revenge.
As Elizabeth’s dreams progress, she travels back in time to a small Midwestern town, follows a Parisian tunnel down to the depths of Hell, and eventually reaches a sandy beach offering a possible glimpse of Heaven.
In a cruel twist, for her life to be spared, Elizabeth is required to give up everything that has brought her so much joy, including her first inspirational romance and the man she loves.
Which will she choose? A return to her old life or a chance to grasp the meaning of life? How will her first chance at an inspirational romance change her decision?
Ask a friend or your Bible study or book club to join you this inspirational journey. It’s easier to commit to working through the book together and checking in with each other on a weekly basis. Become prayer partners and promise to pray that God would reveal to each of you, the plans He has for your life.