
Free on 19th May 24
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In simple language, with no rhetoric or verbal ornamentation, here is a discussion about ?The Gurus of the world?, who taught the entire world how to win the self over the body. Established in the power of self and spiritual insight achieved through intense meditation and austerities ;they touched the highest realms of consciousness.

As one would expect their numbers were kept few; it was also essential that these rare jewels be preserved and perpetuated. The Varna system of Vedic Bharatans ensured this, and it sustained these priceless neurons for a long time until about the 10th century AD.

Marching towards the ?Modern world?, a world riddled with disagreements over socio- political ideologues and attendant power games sparking war and bloodshed, the Great Rishi?s who desired for the welfare and happiness of all life on earth, perished without leaving a trace.

When the ideologies of Gurus were put to rest, the macroscopic and majoritarian Sudras, tamasic from India and outside gained mammoth strength in establishing their agendas ,none of them were Dharmic. It is well known that the ?caste? of present India as a ritualized system developed only during the post-Mughal era; caste has never been a fixed fact of Indian life.

Lord Vishnu, the Vedic deity has 108 Divya Desam, spread across the entire stretch of Bharat, whereas Lord Shiva reinforced it with the bondage of 12 graceful Jyotirlingas, their presence from north to south united the devout men- until they fell out.

This book politely asks why this has happened.


Saraswathy Bhaskaran was born and raised in the southern part of India. She currently lives in London and works as a consultant with NHS England. A 1000 Questions From A Sudra is her first book written about the boundless memory of her motherland?s history.

Saraswathy strongly feels that the Dharma shastras of ancient India need to be revived for their solemn merits and the high discipline of the Varna system. The British have left India and the Turko- Arabs have retracted to their original lands. The true descendant Bharatans -those of Mauryas, Guptas, Cholas and Vijayanagaras can, in all respects celebrate the glory of their forefathers and reclaim the very same Legacy. The memory is not too old and retrieving the entitlement, is not too arduous. Shedding the colonial stamp branded label of ?Caste?, once and forever, every discerning Bharatan must now have the resolve to redesign his erudition, Karma and thus, Varna.

Saraswathy states her Varna is Brahmana as she has chosen to be a Satvik.

Saraswathy is a fine artist and has a huge interest in the Chitra sutra, Vishnudharmottara Purana which instructs the aesthetics, ?Rasa? in the art of painting She has done the pastel and pencil sketches on this book?s cover and inside. Her hope is high that these ancient texts will get their reserved place in Bharat?s academics in recreating excellence as displayed in Ajanta caves.

Free on 19th May 24
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