Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 6th - 10th Aug 16
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Life is about your perception and how you choose to respond to your challenges.

Chicago author and speaker, Nate Gray shares his experiences, examples, and his personal interviews and stories of other successful entrepreneurs on having A Winning Perspective in life. How to overcome adversity to make it work for you and live your dreams

In this beta book, you will read about how to find and pursue your purpose, how Nate Gray survived being mauled down by a police dog of canine patrol in his hometown, Chicago. Nate shares a story of finding his own purpose, and life lessons learned by having A Winning Perspective. You will also read through his stories and interviews with others about the importance of positive mindset to help you to make light of dark times, and pursue your dreams regardless of obstacles you face.

A Winning Perspective is a mindset catalyst and a positive way of thinking that helps you to see many angles of your own life in a way that helps you to overcome adversity and also shape your dream into reality.

Life is not one dimensional.

Some of the angles of A Winning Perspective are positive mindset and attitude, positive energy and positive circle, having the right people around you, cultivating your vision and taking action on your dreams, solid work ethic, good habits, endurance, and finding something positive from life lessons and mistakes to make it work for you.

Mindset is everything. Your perspective determines your direction!

Free on 6th - 10th Aug 16
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