Angela Abrams of Manere, California, is like any other seventeen-year-old dealing with friends, crushes, and the politics of high school, but Manere is not like any other town. Nestled between desolate highways of the Southern California desert sits the community of Manere; a town too remote for even the most adventurous traveler to stop. After graduating, Angela has the opportunity to go beyond the town’s limits but must say goodbye forever as Manere does not allow one to return after they have made a life outside of Manere. Once she discovers a series of missing people, all of whom are being covered up by the corrupt Manere Police, Angela decides she must do something. Along with her best friend, Milo, Angela uncovers the truth behind a childhood friend’s disappearance and the mysterious circumstances of her father’s death during her last summer in Manere.
The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman
The Most Bizarre Paranormal & Ghost Stories: Short Cases for Teens Including Haunted Houses,...
Prince of Frogs (Curse of the Dark Kingdom Book 1)
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