Author: Genre: () Length: Novella

Free on 30th Apr 14 - 2nd May 14
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** Free Bonus Chapter Included!!**

In this book, you are going to see why you need amino acids, in a very easy to understand way. Amino Acids are THE building block of the human body, what do you know about them? Read this to find out:

How an amino acid can commit MURDER

Why 3 amino acids are the best bodybuilding supplement

Which amino acids your body NEEDS to bring out the benefit of vitamin C and E, otherwise you could be wasting your time

Why the essential amino acids are called essential amino acids

Where to get amino acids through diet

Which amino acids you MUST take as a supplement

And SO much more!

Which Amino Acids Are Covered?

All of the essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids are going to be covered, as well as L-Carnitine, which is sometimes thought to be an amino acid but actually is not (bonus chapter). Through the use of analogy, and a broken down way of learning you will be able to discuss amino acids like a champion!

You will learn about the branch chained amino acids used in sports nutrition, and learn why they are so crucial to consume as a bodybuilding supplement.

You’ll also learn which amino acids can actually aid in fat metabolism, help with memory, pass through the blood-brain barrier, and give you energy.

It’s common knowledge that taurine is great for focus, but what else can it do? Which amino acid is great at helping increase your heart health? In this easy to read book you will learn all of this and more!

Free on 30th Apr 14 - 2nd May 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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