Amuda and four childhood male friends, their hilarious concept of the West the true madness of living across cultures.
Amuda battered and bruised loathed by her mother flees abroad the moment she’s old enough with one focus to return one day successful and deal with her mother and her other abusers. Secrets kept for years become exposed like layers of onion each fuelling Amuda’s murderous rage. Is Amuda a Sociopath or a survivor with her mode of justice. Amuda does it Amuda’s way. Touching base with Wale who becomes the biggest drug dealer out of Africa, Moses who worked in the hospitality trade and traded his body to achieved his dreams. Ayo finds out the horrors of been an imported husband while Pitan fulfils his mission to have as many babies as possible with white women. Each finding their light at the end of the tunnel their way.
A Place in Time: A Ghost mystery (The Spirit of Peterborough Book 1)
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
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