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Free on 27th - 28th Jun 16
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The Extraordinary World of Ancient Egypt

The vast history of ancient Egypt is a captivating and intriguing story. Since the writings of the Bible, scholars have been fascinated with the mythologies and cultures that characterized the people of the Nile. We know about the Egyptians from several ancient sources. Ancient papyri reveal mythological texts that tell us the stories of the Egyptian gods, such as “The Contendings of Horus and Set”, the Egyptian version of the struggle between good and evil. Tomb walls depict instructions on how to aid the deceased’s journey from the current life to the next. The Book of the Dead explains Egyptian beliefs regarding death and the afterlife, providing unparalleled insight into their unique religion. Inscriptions on temple walls reveal the specific functions of each god and how they interacted or connected with humans. Greek scribes are also important sources of ancient Egyptian history and mythology. The Greeks were always intrigued with Egyptian culture and its role in the Near East.

Uncover The Egyptians Fascinating World, Including:

HieroglyphsKing Tut (1334-1325 BCE)The Book of the DeadRamses II (1279-1213)The God of DarknessThe Pyramids

The SphinxMummificationMaat

Learn about pivotal events in history that changed the course of civilization.

‘Ancient Egypt: Enter The Extraordinary World Of Ancient Egypt’ will guide you through the fascinating world of ancient Egypt and appreciate its many intricacies. The rich mythology of the Egyptians is by no means encompassed in this work; rather, it endeavors to provide a glimpse of one of the world’s oldest civilizations.

Explore this extraordinary topic further, expand your knowledge and CLICK BUY!

Free on 27th - 28th Jun 16
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