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Free on 31st Dec 14 - 4th Jan 15
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Applied Psychology: Science for the Betterment of Human Function and Society

Psychology attempts to diagnose you, to understand the inner workings of your mind and why you act the way you do. Applied psychology, however, takes this diagnosis of humanity and utilizes it for the betterment of society. Instead of keep its psychological research to itself, it fuels the future by:

Allowing an Equal Ground in the Justice and Court System

Working for Better Education and Working Environments

Pushing for Better Exercise and Sport Performances

Applied Psychology: Science for the Betterment of Human Function and Society provides real world examples for the ways in which applied psychology creates a better environment for you every single day. Thank applied psychologist for more user-friendly vehicles and appliances, for better understanding of witness testimonies, and for personalized education in the realms of special education.

Psychology in Action

Learn applied psychology techniques in order to boost your own performance in both sport and regular exercise; capture the mental tricks that applied sport psychologists utilize after much research-laden psychological studies. Understand the incredible million-year history of humanity’s brain evolution and how that evolution has fueled you to your current brain functions.

– Why are we afraid of spiders but not a resting shotgun?

– Why do inherently fear interactions with strangers?

– Why was Babe Ruth so great at baseball?

All of these answers—and so many more—are found in the realms of applied psychology. Open your mind and understand the great sphere of psychology working to better your exterior society and your greater life.

Free on 31st Dec 14 - 4th Jan 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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