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Do you suffer with back pain?
Is your quality of life impaired by back pain?
Do you get a bland and unhelpful response from most health professionals?
Do you feel like your aging too quickly and don’t know what to do about it?

Well if you answered positively to most of these questions then you can regard yourself as quite normal, particularly if you are middle aged or elderly. The simple facts of life, for our backs, is that the human back was actually designed for qudrapedal movement, we are not really designed to be bipedal in the first place. Add in some wear and tear and age, a sedentary lifestyle and some age related degeneration and there you go back pain!

The nasty thing with back pain is that it’s an icky kind of pain which either creeps up when we’re not expecting it and suddenly we have chronic back pain whereby we can hardly move at all or it explodes out of nowhere, we get an acute bout of back pain and we can hardly lie down, sit down or even stand up!

Back pain is usually not a very serious health condition and most doctors treat it in a lethargic kind of way with a few comments about looking after yourself and a prescription for some pain killers, but the simple reality, for anyone who regularly suffers with back ache, is that it is extremely debilitating!

The reason for this is because of the complexity of the muscles in the back and how they relate to each other. We shall take a look at these in us a chapter one, but for now what can we say about back ache and what can this book do to help you?

As far as I am concerned nothing makes you feel old like back ache does, whereby you end up walking like one of those mummies from those old black and white movies. Having difficulty sitting, standing, walking and lying down or even moving immediately makes you feel old and question your own youthfulness. The thought “is this it is I now grown old?” often passes through most people’s minds when they feel like this. Also back ache does not respect youth either, while most people who suffer a lot with back ache will do so from their 30’s /40’s upwards, there are lots of young people who also become afflicted with back pain at an early age!

Regarding this book and what it can do for your back pain, it can certainly help a lot but to what degree I can to tell you. My experience with back ache over the years has lead me to believe that back ache is usually a symptom of postural imbalances and can be straightened out surprisingly quickly, once you get a handle on it. So this is the good news. But the bad news is that there are lots of variations in back ache causes and treatments, plus as we age we develop more long-term degeneration which is not curable. So in a nutshell in some cases back pain can be completely cured, whereas in others it can simply be greatly improved. But certainly if you follow the advice in this book, you will find yourself getting back pain less frequently and the bouts of back pain will be far less intense and will last for a shorter period of time!

To some degree we all have to live with our backs, which are a complex arrangement of joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles and also to some degree we can really improve and even cure our aching backs, in a far shorter time than we may realise. So get reading and start applying these back relieving strategies today!

Free on 30th Mar 17 - 3rd Apr 17
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