Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 21st May 17
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Being ready for any natural disaster or other emergencies that comes your way always start with your food and water supply! It can quickly become your only life line

This is what this book is all about. Getting ready and preparing a pantry that could help you and your family survive during an emergency.

An emergency food pantry is a supply of food that your family could survive on in the event that a disaster ever cuts off your normal access to food, water and utilities. Having a well-equipped emergency food pantry is a necessity for every family. It is essential to learn about proper food storage and management and how to store and treat water for a perfect prepper’s food pantry.

Inside learn:

• The factors to consider when starting your survival pantry

• The basic rules for an ideal prepper’s food pantry

• Must have food for your pantry

• Food storage process and pantry planning

• Food rotation and food storage methods

• Keeping your food tasty and safe

• The water supply and fundamentals of water filtration

• Emergency water filtration techniques

To effectively manage food supplies and become self-reliant especially in terms of disasters, a food prepper’s pantry is an ideal solution. It makes sure that you are able to provide for your family when crisis strikes. Food and water are part and parcel of human survival. Without these two components, life cannot be sustainable. It is therefore prudent to come up with ways of making sure that there is continued provision of water and food, especially when things are difficult. It is critical to understand what the whole process of a prepper’s pantry entails, including having a proper plan for food and water storage.

So let get prepping now! Scroll back up and grab your copy today!

Free on 21st May 17
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